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God, thank you for everything, thank you for bringing her to me, thanks for the caring, happiness, love and passion she brought to me. thanks for the promise in bible :'Passing through the valley of Weeping they make it a place of springs; Yea, the early rain covereth it with blessings.' (psalm 84:6)


在许多公司决策上的挣扎,让我不禁怀疑自己是否是揸fit人的料子。 昨日又炒了一位管理阶级的员工,他哽咽的表情,历历在目。我很想告诉他,换个位子让他做做,他就会明白身为管理者,有所必为与有所不为的。 比如说,有所必为的就是,一些没有贡献及人心不服的管工必须放弃;有所不为的就是,看着营业额下降却毫无行动。 还有就是,一名员工要负责的就只是他的家属,而一名领导要负责的却是很多的员工及他们的家属。 你不明白,打电话来骂我一连串的三字经,及不停发送难听的讯息去我的手机。所以,我更加坚信我的选择是对的,谢谢你。

Australia... too far away

two months ago, i never expect things to move into the unexpected way... swine flu, 120 new cases each day in australia. those overseas students who return to malaysia for holidays, tend to bring along something else... not a relief but virus that means quarantine for at least 14 days. life is unpredictable, as simple as a trip to australia can be unpredictable too. 14 days from now, i supposed to be on the plane, will end up where else?!