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Showing posts from March, 2009

Young Adult Fellowship!!

YAF i m coming, the historical moment will begin next friday (27/3). our 1st gathering, pray tat God will be among us, empower us to do His will with the new fellowship. now YAF calling for those who wanna pursue God's kingdom with commitment. everyone can make a difference... now left with the junior sunday school class, then i can fulfill my christian education's target liao... thanks God!!

Book Review 1

掏心集—寫給年輕的你 林治平教授 以為這本書是為女友而看的──好看的話要介紹給她.結果閱完花了四天的時間,發覺到好多新道理.不愧是前中原大學人文與教育學院院長,聽他的講課一定很有趣.上次有幸在紐西蘭參加他作為主題講員的營會,只可惜沒好好與他攀談. 最喜歡他「E時代給我們什麼」的段落,當E替人記憶,替人思想,替人下決定,替人作工,這時候人還有存在的價值及意義嗎?其次是關於杏林子的描繪,她笑看痛苦的態度,很激勵人心. 所以,你問我會介紹給朋友嗎?我說我會.

Our 1st Development Project

ps: both chinese/english logo r done by me :-p...

男人太晚為人父 傳影響小孩智商

(路透香港9日電)澳洲研究人員所做的研究報告顯示,父親為人父的年紀較長,孩童在嬰兒期及幼年時期接受智力測驗時,表現似乎較差。 相反的,研究發現,母親年紀較年長的孩童在相同的測驗成績較為優異。智力測驗是設計來測量一個人的思考與判斷能力,包括專注力、學習能力、記憶力、言語以及閱讀能力。 最近幾份研究已發現父親的年紀與孩子特殊健康問題的關聯,包括出生畸形和癌症,也包括自閉症、精神分裂症等精神疾病。 今天發表的這份研究,研究人員分析3萬3437名1959至1965年在美國出生的孩子, 在8個月大、4歲、7歲接受智力測驗所得的數據。中央社(翻譯) ps: 不如我們快點結婚生孩子吧?!

Ian's 10 topmost challenges in 2009

1) complete the discipleship class as one of the tutors. 2) found the young adult fellowship & junior sunday school class. 3) treat small gf nicely so that our relationship will become deeper n merrier with the time. (tat she will consider marrying me.. :-p) 4) make minda travel agency a heart-winning n profit-making service company in miri. 5) make halo cafe the most happening cafe in miri, famous for its good service, atmosphere n more importantly, food & beverage. 6) always keep the bedroom tidy, and thumb up for personal hygiene and presentation. 7) be a good son in the family, avoid quarreling with parents, n treat them nicely and also future parents-in-law. 8) save up to 50k income p.a! 9) read at least 10 religious n spiritual books. 10) grow in cellgroup's number from 8->12!!



God, thank you for everything, thank you for bringing her to me, thanks for the caring, happiness, love and passion she brought to me. thanks for the promise in bible :'Passing through the valley of Weeping they make it a place of springs; Yea, the early rain covereth it with blessings.' (psalm 84:6)